Saturday, May 7, 2016

Top 10 Mistakes Men Make When they Date Ukrainian Women

It is no secret that Ukrainian women are incredibly beautiful. However, being beautiful is not the only thing at which those ladies excel. I have been to Ukraine twice and every time I have been there, I didn’t want to leave the country.

The fact that the women are extremely gorgeous is not the only thing that makes them so special. They combine beauty with intelligence and the perfect portion of traditional family values. Dating a Ukrainian woman is truly an amazing experience and every man who hasn’t been to this wonderful country in Eastern Europe should book a flight within the next days.

Dating those ladies will make your heart thump but if you think that all you have to do in order to cast a spell over those women is to behave the same way you would behave in your home country, you are doomed to have one bad date after another.

For me it was anything but easy when I traveled to Kiev the first time and even the second time when I went to Zaporizhia I made a ton of mistakes during my dates. I did everything wrong that you could do wrong but after I gained some dating experience in this country, my dates started to become better.

In the following lines I want to share the top ten mistakes with you that I made and that a lot of guys still make when they start to date Ukrainian women. I am sure that if you put the advice of this article into practice, your next date with a Ukrainian lady will be the best date you ever had.

(1.) You Show No Interest in the Culture

The number one mistake that I saw a lot of guys make when they were dating Ukraine women is that they didn’t show any interest in the culture of the girl they spent their time with. An American guy who wanted to date Ukraine women even told me that he couldn’t show me Ukraine on a map.

Of course a woman isn’t impressed with you if you can’t even find her country on a map. In case you are interested in dating women from other cultures, no matter if they are from Ukraine or any other country in the world, you should at least show some interested in their cultural background.

You don’t have to be fluent in the language but knowing a few facts about the history shows her that you are not just another ignorant foreigner.

(2.) You Fall in Love with a Picture

Are you registered on an online dating site to meet Ukrainian women? That’s great. Online dating offers the best opportunity to get in contact with women from this country, without spending hundreds of dollars on a flight every week

However, don’t make the mistake and rely completely on e-mails and don’t make the mistake to fall in love with a picture, without even meeting the woman who is on the picture. A picture doesn’t reveal her personality, her values and her beliefs.

If you are serious about finding a Ukrainian girlfriend or wife, there is no way around meeting her in person.

(3.) You Try to Impress Them with Money

Who hasn’t heard about the stereotype that all Ukrainian women are gold diggers? I think this stereotype not only causes a big fear in men, but it also motivates them to act in a way that scares all the good women away.

There are some women who want a man with money but those women exist in every country and like in every country, they only make a small portion. Most women you will meet in the Ukraine have enough money to make a living and don’t need any financial benefits from you.

Unfortunately, the belief that all Ukrainian women want your money motivates a lot of men to impress them with their money. Of course this whole thing backfires. The only thing you do with this behavior is to attract the gold diggers and to scare away the girls who are perfect for you and who don’t want your money.

(4.) You Make Rash Decisions

Love is an amazing feeling and if you haven’t been in love for a while I can totally understand that you want to experience this feeling as fast as you can. This need can easily lead to the illusion that you are in love with a girl, even though you just met her yesterday.

The beauty, the charm and the feminine attitude of Ukrainian women make it extremely easy for a man to fall in love with them. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t make any rash decisions that you might regret after a month or a year.

(5.) You Search a Housewife Instead of Love

Another big mistake that men make is that they want to date Ukrainian women for the wrong reason. If you are looking for your soulmate and if your goal is to find the love of your life in the Ukraine, you should definitely go there.

If you, however, want to find someone who cooks for you and who does the housework, you shouldn’t travel to the Ukraine. Those women want to find a man who wants a relationship with them because he loves them and not because he needs someone who runs the house.

(6.) You Want to Appear Superior

I have seen it in Thailand, I have seen it in Romania and I have seen it in the Ukraine. There are always a small percentage of guys who only want to date women from those countries because it gives them the feeling that they are the superior hero who rescues the poor girl.

Sorry, but this has nothing to do with love and affection. If feeling superior is your only motivation to date Ukrainian women, you should stay out of the country. Ukrainian women don’t need and don’t want to be rescued.

(7.) You Get Paranoid Because of Scammers

What is the first reaction that a man gets when he tells his friends that he registered a profile on a Ukrainian online dating site? His friends will most likely warn him that there are a lot of scammers out there. Then he will type “Ukraine dating scams” into Google and the more he reads about this topic the more paranoid he will get.

Please don’t get overly confused about dating a scammer and don’t make the mistake to assume that every girl who shows interest in you wants to scam you. I don’t deny the fact that there are indeed a few scammers on online dating sites but the amount of women who don’t even think about scamming you prevails.

(8.) You Take Her for Granted

Of course you should never take your girlfriend for granted, no matter where she comes from. Unfortunately, some men make the mistake that they take their Ukrainian girlfriend for granted because they assume that she won’t leave him anyway.

This false assumption comes from the misbelief that all Ukrainian women are happy once they meet a foreigner and won’t ever leave him, no matter what he does. In case you are one of the guys who take his Ukraine girlfriend or wife for granted, you don’t have to wonder when she leaves you faster than you expected.

(9.) You Put Her on a Pedestal

Another mistake that men make when they are dating Ukrainian women is that they put them on a pedestal. This is the complete opposite of taking her for granted but that doesn’t mean that it is more beneficial to your dating life.

Women love compliments and they also appreciate it when a man shows their affection but the last thing that a woman wants is a man who lives only for her. Especially Ukrainian women want men who are emotionally strong and who have a vision in life. Unless you have another purpose in your life than your girlfriend, she won’t be your girlfriend for too long.

(10.) Avoiding to Fall in Love

There are many beautiful women in Ukraine and even though this is amazing, it can also be very dangerous. I have met one man who told me that he found his dream girl in the Ukraine and that he still managed to mess the relationship up by trying to date other girls.

The biggest mistake you can make is to think that you can find an even prettier girl around the corner, even though you already found a woman you are in love with. Don’t risk the love of your life because you are scared that you are missing out on something.

Written by Sebastian, the owner of and dating coach

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