Saturday, April 30, 2016

What Ukraine & Russian women talk about…

What Ukraine & Russian women talk about…

Dear friends,

Today, I discovered a very brief but very interesting post on Facebook. My male friend from Russia wrote his observations what Ukrainian and Russian women talk about when they meet. There is no surprise for me that they talk about men. Yes, it is actually true. 🙂 We talk mostly about our men, husbands, boyfriends, love, hate, passion, and only then about work and everyday problems. So, guys, compare the different topics of German (Western) and Russian / Ukrainian women’s conversations.

Find out what Russian and Ukrainian women talk about:

For several years, I was making an observation which I stopped only a moment ago because it was confirmed by 100%. Its principle is as follows. I listened to what young women talk to each other on the street, in cafes, in the fitness club, etc., and tried to go unnoticed.

Of course, I was not snooping but simply noted a general topic of conversation. So, the result of my (I repeat) long-term observation is the following: if German women meet, they talk about these things (in order of priority): everyday problems, work, vacation and men. Studies are the topic in second place in the conversation of female students. The proportion of the dialogues about everyday problems and vacation increases with age.

Irrespective of age, Russian and Ukrainian women talk only about men when they meet. And I see no exception in this rule.

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